Making later life better,

now and in the future.

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Registered Charity Number 1156957 SOUTH EAST ENGLAND FORUM ON AGEING
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House of Lords
- read report here.

Did You Know...?

Older people make a major net contribution to the economy. As people live longer and their health improves, the greater the opportunity for them to continue to contribute to the nation’s economy and, the longer on average they are staying in employment.

An important consequence of this is that older people are contributing more to the economy as taxpayers, consumers and volunteers. Taxes paid by over 65s amount to around £45 billion a year and are forecast to rise to around £82 billion by 2030. The spending power of over 65s is £76 billion and forecast to grow to £127 billion by 2030.

The value of social care provided by older people is worth £34 billion a year and forecast to grow to £52 billion by 2030. The value of older people’s volunteering is over £10 billion a year and forecast to grow to nearly £15 billion by 2030.

People approaching and in retirement gave society each year an average of 75 hours in charitable work and 73 hours in voluntary community work: an annual contribution of over £11 billion. They also provided on average 326 hours in free care for grandchildren, parents and other family members: an annual contribution valued at over £15 billion. [Source: MGM Advantage's Retirement Nation report (2012)]

Older people contribute £10 billion a year through charity and family donations (including childcare services for families and neighbours) and this is forecast to grow to over £15 billion by 2030.

Taking all these contributions together, older people are making an annual net positive contribution of £40 billion to the UK economy (i.e., net of the costs of pension, welfare and health support). By 2030 the positive net contribution of over 65s is forecast to rise to an estimated £77 billion. [Source: Royal Voluntary Services (RVS) Gold Age Pensioners report (2011)]

Read SEEFA's comments on the Queen's Speech here.


Age Action Alliance


The SEEFA Agenda - Key  Issues

November 2018

Having our say on information and advice

Organised by SEEFA as part of a joint project with SE Age UKs, a Symposium took place at the Palace of Westminster on 1st November 2018:

'Having Our Say on Information and Advice'.

The high profile event looked at information and advice in an ageing society.

A summary of the key points made can be found here.

Symposium at the
House of Lords on

Our Ageing Society:
Challenges or Opportunities
for Business

July 2018

SEEFA launches new publication to challenge
negative views on ageing.

Find out more here.

Our Ageing Society

Challenges or Opportunities for Business

Find out more here.

How We Work


Policy Panels


How We Work - Symposia