Making later life better,
now and in the future.
© Copyright SEEFA 2024
Registered Charity Number 1156957 SOUTH EAST ENGLAND FORUM ON AGEING
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The SEEFA Network comprises people who have a wealth of expertise on later life, either through their work, interests or through personal experience. Many Government Departments, Universities, Local Authorities, Housing Associations and commercial companies are part of SEEFA's Network.
Importantly, many individuals, academics and older peoples’ group representatives form part of the SEEFA network. This is tremendously important to SEEFA and the work we do.
SEEFA’s Policy Panel on Later Life and Ageing aims to work with policy makers and service providers so that there is direct input from people who are experts by virtue of personal experience.
Ambassadors or members of the All Party Parliamentary Group, attending meetings on subjects that are likely to impinge on the well being of the older generation.
In partnership with Universities across the South East of England, SEEFA has set up an Academic Advisory Panel.
SEEFA is a registered charity and has four Trustees: Peter Dale (Chair); Marjory Broughton (Vice-Chair); Margaret Clarke (Treasurer) and Dame Philippa Russell. The Trustees are supported by an Executive Group and a number of Special Advisors. All are people who give their time and expertise to make SEEFA work. SEEFA has no paid staff.
SEEFA brings people together
who want to make
later life better.
Marjory Broughton
Vice-Chair & Secretary
Dame Philippa Russell CBE
SEEFA’s Trustees and Executive Group